Garage doors are constantly changing. Nowadays, garage doors do a lot more than just go up and down. Let’s talk about ten facts that you may not have been aware of about new garage door models.
1. Replace your front door’s job
In surveys conducted, 71 percent of homeowners use their garage doors as their main entryway, not their front door. This is because of the convenience of parking your vehicle inside and just walking in. In some regards, you could even say it is the front door’s replacement!
2. Helps Sell Your Home
A garage door that is replaced, fixed, or added to a home can add between 1%-4% value to a home, just by existing. This was conducted through a study nationally by real estate agents. Any upgrade to your home can increase the home’s value, even if it happens to be something as simple as your garage door.
3. Your home will look more unique
If you want your home to stand out, a new carriage house garage door or overhead garage door might be perfect for you. There are so many different styles and colors for garage doors that there is no reason your garage door can’t stand out among the rest. With trendy styles like contemporary garage doors, wooden garage doors, or carriage house garage doors, you can make your garage door the standard for your neighbors to meet!
4. Forget power outages
We mentioned earlier that a garage door is used more than the front door, but what happens if you can’t use the garage door? What happens when your power goes out? Newer garage door models are equipped with backup batteries that will work, even in the event of a power outage, so no need to worry.
5. Open the Garage with just your fingertip
The more advanced we get with technology, the more features garage doors have. Now with keypads on the exterior of your home being the new thing, an upgrade has come along. You can now use fingerprint recognition on your garage door. No more remembering codes, just place your fingertip on the scanner and go.
6. Have a Garage Door That Matches Your Style
No matter what look you are going for with your home, modern, old school, or futuristic, you can have it your way. There are hundreds of garage door styles, colors, and designs. Why would you want to look like everyone else? Stand out with your design.
7. Beat Strong Winds
You have seen homes destroyed by storms leaving nothing but a pile of rubble. Now, wind experts are making a recognition that garage doors can help prevent this. A wind-resistant, code-approved garage door can help to keep your home protected during a storm.
8. Garage Doors can remind you they are open
We all know that it is dangerous to forget to shut your garage door. It is asking criminals to rob you. Now garage doors can come equipped with in-house monitors that will remind you if you leave your garage door open.
9. It can save energy
Garage doors can save you money if you get your garage door insulated. This was confirmed by the federal government and they offered tax credits to garage door owners that were replacing their garage door with an insulated garage door that qualified. This can save energy and money!
10. Should be installed by the pros
This is not the job for a do-it-yourselfer. Garage door installation is dangerous and should be left to professionals, like Clarks Garage Door & Gate Repair. We can get the job done in no time, whether it’s garage door repair, garage door installation, or even gate repair! Call Clarks Garage Door & Gate Repair at (877) 225-9989 today!